Welcome to my art blog!

Welcome to my art blog!

This is a fun way in which I can share all we do in my art room and creative activities and lessons. Please feel free to comment or get inspired by any of the work you see!

This blog is for everyone! Students from my classes can see some of their work.

Parents can have a view of whats being done in Art class and its open to everyone to share ideas and send us some new ones as well!

So let gets Creative!

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Thursday, 26 September 2013

GRADE 1m are preparing for I Love to Read Week - Read Around the World

We had a fun and messy painting activity for I love to read week! We got blue, green and dirty :)

 and special mention to Adam, for being very helpful and caring. Thank you Adam!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Must try these at home !

You can make something creative out of absolutely anything. Below are some project ideas that will blow your mind ! pls send us pics once you have tried them ....

RAINBOW fans... you can do it yourself !

Who would have thought Shoe laces could be so fun !

GRADE 6 - Logo Designing

Our top classes were also learning about Logos. We had a lively and enthusiatic discussion on logos they see around them, logos in the class and in the pencil cases. The main activity was to draw 2-3 logos hey have seen around them and then " Imagine they owned their own company and design a few options for their company logo" 

Some truly creative results! I am really proud!

GRADE 5 - Slogan and Logo designing

The Grade 5ers are learning about slogans and logos and are creating a logo based on a bad or good decision with a slogan to match.
Students in groups were designing Logos on No Smoking, No Shisha, against Junk Food and Even No alcohol while driving. Some very creative results.

GRADE 4 - Life sketches

What a fun week this was! My talented Grade 4's surprised me with their quick grasp on drawing from life. We had their classmates model a pose like sitting, running, sleeping,etc and the students drew them in these positions. As you will see from their work, they enjoyed it and drew very well and most of them have gotten quite good at drawing from LIFE!

And some beautiful extra work done by a few of the Grade 4N girls, showing they are practicing their colour theory and their drawing skills