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Thursday 22 May 2014

Grade 5 - PYP Exhibition Rubric - Explorer achieving greatness


6 / 5
Planning and Organization
Effective use of class time, demonstrates clear focus and intent throughout the design process
Reasonable use of class time, intelligent use of modifications to original design idea
Adequate use of class time , manages adequate effort during the design process
Limited use of class time, inadequate effort during the design process
Off task for majority of the class time, failure to produce original plan or adequately modify or re-design
Space and Composition
Artwork is well balanced. The entire canvas/ medium used is used to its full potential. No empty or blank spaces.
Artwork is somewhat balanced. Most canvas/ medium used is used to its full potential. No empty or blank spaces.
Artwork is not balanced. Canvas/ medium used are not used to its full potential.  Empty or blank space can be seen.
Artwork is not balanced. Canvas or medium is not utilized properly. Many blank or empty spaces.
The artwork shows no evidence of spatial or colour composition.
Understanding of the three grounds
Understands clearly the difference between back-ground, middle-ground and foreground and how and when to begin each phase.
Understands the difference between back-ground, middle-ground and foreground. Needs some assistance with how and when to begin each phase.
Limited understanding of the difference between back-ground, middle-ground and foreground. Needs a lot of assistance with how and when to begin each phase.
Cannot understands the difference between back-ground, middle-ground and foreground and cannot begin or start each phase without assistance.
No understanding of the difference between back-ground, middle-ground and foreground and is unable begin or start each phase even with assistance.
Includes many intricate details in the background and detailing in features and clothing of the explorer. Intelligent use of different types of lines and textures.
Includes a few intricate details in the background and detailing in features and clothing of the explorer. Clear use of different types of lines and textures.
Includes at least 1-2 intricate detail in the background and detailing in features and clothing of the explorer. Attempted to use different types of lines and textures..
Includes no intricate details in the background and detailing in features and clothing of the explorer. Very limited use of lines and texture.
No evidence of detailing or use of lines and texture in the art work.
Colours are used appropriately and gradation is very visible. If pencils/charcoal is used varied pressure is applied to create different shades and textures.
Colours are used correctly and gradation is attempted. If pencils/charcoal is used different shades and textures are evident.
Colours are used well but not always used appropriately. Gradation has not been attempted. If pencils/charcoal is used different shades and textures are not very evident.
Colours are not used appropriately. Gradation has not been attempted. If pencils/charcoal is used different shades and textures are not evident.
Art work shows lack of colour, colours when used are inappropriate. Gradation is not visible. No shades or textures can be seen.
Skill and Technique
Medium is used with ease, attempting creative ways to use the medium. Brush/ Pencil/ Modeling skills and techniques are very advanced.
Medium is used appropriately. Brush/ Pencil/ Modeling skills and techniques are of good standard.
Medium is used appropriately with assistance. Brush/ Pencil/ Modeling skills and techniques are adequate.
Medium is used not used appropriately even with assistance. Brush/ Pencil/ Modeling skills and techniques are of minimum standard.
Has attempted many mediums without success. Brush/ Pencil/ Modeling skills and techniques are not evident.
The body is proportionate; the size of the head is proportional to the body. The drawing is far more sophisticated than a stick figure and includes arms, legs, torso and clear facial features.  Backgrounds and any other objects in the artwork are proportionate.
The body is mostly proportionate; the size of the head is proportional to the body. The drawing is more advanced than a stick figure and includes arms, legs, and torso. Backgrounds and other objects are relatively proportionate.
The body is not quite   proportionate; the size of the head is not proportional to the body. The drawing is not very advanced and similar to a stick figure but includes arms, legs, and torso. The backgrounds and other objects look misplaced and not quite proportionate.
The body has very little proportion, the limbs are disproportionate to the body and head. The background and other objects are not proportionate to each other.
The body has no proportion, the head, torso and limbs are not distinguishable and limbs protrude from the head. Background and objects are not clear to determine proportion..
Tools and Materials Responsibility
Bring supplies in advance. Uses tools and materials very responsibly.
Bring supplies on time. Uses tools and materials responsibly.
Bring supplies in late. Is not responsible with  tools and materials
Bring supplies in late even after many reminders. Irresponsible use of tools and materials.
Supplies not brought in after many reminders. Irresponsible use of tools and materials.
Art work is extremely neat; a lot of care and effort has been taken with over all presentation.
Art work is neat and adequately presentable.
Art work is not very neat or presented well.
Art work is un tidy and not much care given to presentation.
Art work lacks presentation; work is very untidy even after prompting.

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