Welcome to my art blog!

Welcome to my art blog!

This is a fun way in which I can share all we do in my art room and creative activities and lessons. Please feel free to comment or get inspired by any of the work you see!

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Parents can have a view of whats being done in Art class and its open to everyone to share ideas and send us some new ones as well!

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Tuesday 28 October 2014


Holds scissors in the correct direction without any help. Uses the dominant hand for cutting. Hold scissors in correct direction with the proper fingers.
Holds scissors in the correct direction with some help. Needs some reminders to use the dominant hand for cutting. Hold scissors in correct direction but not always with the proper fingers.
Needs constant help to hold scissors in the correct direction. Does not know which hand to hold the scissors in. Switches hands for cutting instead of rotating the paper.
Needs assistance to hold the scissors correctly while cutting. Dies no know which hand to hold the scissors in. Switches hands for cutting instead of rotating. Does not have control over the scissors.
Cutting and Tearing
Makes long smooth cuts and cuts or tears accurately even with advanced shapes.
Makes long smooth cuts but uses small snips on advanced shapes. Cuts or tears accurately most of the time.
Inconsistent cuts or tears. Cutting or tearing is on either side of the line.
Cannot cut or tear along the line. Some shapes have been cut into half.
Stays focused while cutting. Eyes do not wander to other people or other parts of the paper.
Stays focused most of the time. Sometimes distracted by others and lets eyes wander to other parts of the paper but is able to get back on track.
Often cuts while eyes wander to other before focusing back on cutting .May need to reminding to pay attention.
Cuts while not paying attention. Needs assistance to focus on cutting or needs to sit on own.
Uses dots or line around the edge of the paper instead of lines of glue. Uses appropriate amounts of glue.
Uses dots or lines around the edge but they are not appropriate in size.
Often uses lines that are too long or blobs of glue. A little messy.
Cannot glue properly, blobs of glue. Very messy.
Holds scissors closed in hand does not wave scissors around near the face. Does not walk around or play with scissors.
May need reminding once or twice about scissor safety rules but follows the rules most of the time.
Often needs reminding about scissor safety.
Does not follow any of the scissor safety rules even after repeated reminders.

RUBRIC – Fine Motor skills

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